Welcome to issue 1 of Savage Species Weekly!
Species Highlight: Thamnophis radix
Common Name: Plains Garter Snake
Pictorial Illustration:

What You Might Not Know About This Species…
The Plains garter snake is venomous! Although… very mildly so, and highly unlikely to bite or affect a human.
Garter snakes are also one of the very few snake species that does well living communally - in fact, it’s almost mandatory to get at least 2 if you plan on keeping these. They will actually form bonds or friendships and are noticeably despondent in the event their friend dies or is removed.
Helpful Garter Snake Resources
GarterSnake.info - the go-to website for all garter snake keepers
YouTube - Snake Discovery is an incredible channel - just search “garter snake” for all their pertinent videos
MorphMarket - a great marketplace to find garter snake breeders. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS buy captive-bred animals.
Thank you for reading! Why don’t you hit “reply” and ask me a question about garter snakes?
Love this! MorphMarket is amazing but I especially love your point about only buying captive-bred animals. No greater red flag in my mind than an animal listed as wild caught.